Book of the Week


PAiLS” by Chris Brady


“Your place in this world is an address only you can occupy.” Learn how to fulfill your unique purpose and live the life you’ve always wanted as bestselling author and successful entrepreneur Chris Brady helps you find meaning and direction in life. With his newest book PAiLS, New York Times bestselling author Chris Brady leads you through the adventure of your life like a veteran tour guide and provides a fresh approach to finding meaning along the way. His creative PAiLS illustration and ziggurat/layer-cake construct help you determine a clear direction toward living the life you’ve always wanted. He shows you how all that you have seen and done so far, even your mistakes, are just stepping stones for your next ascent in fulfilling your purposeful calling and contributing to the world what only you can. You will learn that: It’s not as important to succeed As it is to matter, And you’ll likely accomplish the former If you shoot for the latter.

This is the best book I have ever read for perspective on my life purpose and the process for success in finding my authentic self. It is a must read for anyone who is looking for direction and fulfillment in accomplishing their unique and authentic calling.

Great PAiLS Quotes   Quotation-Marks

“Remember that it’s your life. Only you can live the life that God alone has called you to live. Only you can fulfill your particular destiny and higher purpose. Sooner or later, you’ve got to get after what it is you were put here to do, or you’ll suffer miserably for knowing that you’re not doing it.”

“There most certainly is a “too late.” There always is. It’s just not yet. It’s not too late yet.” 

“We may hate opposition and struggle, but they are critical for our mental health. Without the struggle, we would feel no joy in victory at all.”

“Nothing of significance was ever achieved without negative input from other people.”

“So don’t worry if you get people who hate what you do. That’s okay. And be doubly sure not to change what you do in an effort to please them. You’ll never please that crowd! You are not here for them! If you focus any energy trying to please those you’re not for, you will change how you do things and simultaneously stop thrilling those you are for! In other words, don’t conform for critics; perform for fans.”

“A personal brand is whatever you do or bring to the world that is entirely and uniquely yours. Perhaps surprisingly, the more you stick to what is uniquely yours and the more authentic you are in what you do, the more interesting it is to others and the more marketable it is.”

“I promise there will be fans cheering for your authentic output. there will always be a market for your original best.”

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